The petition, below, was begun in 2011 by the Alliance for Humane Biotechnology, Our Bodies Ourselves, Pro Choice Alliiance for Responsible Research, and Center for Genetics and Society.  The petition serves to raise awareness about the need for greater information about the safety and risks of human egg harvesting and to build a network of those interested in seeing evidenced based informed consent about egg harvesting made possible.  It is used to demonstrate to state and national policy makers the importance of implementing an egg provider registry and mandating the posting of health advisories on ads and promotional material targeting young women for their eggs.  

(For more information about health risks associated with egg harvesting, visit: Human Egg Provider Project. Note: you need not be a woman or an egg provider to sign this petition.)

Petition for Human Egg Extraction Health Registry & for Warnings on Ads and Notices Seeking Egg Donors*

Women undergoing egg extraction are not able to make informed choices about the risks involved, in part because long-term risks have not yet been adequately studied, especially for women providing eggs to be used by others. We urge the creation of a widely-publicized, privacy-ensured national registry to facilitate long-term tracking and long-term studies to better understand the risks of egg extraction, particularly with respect to the impact of drugs used for both suppression and stimulation of the ovaries.  We also urge that advertisements and notices seeking women to supply eggs be required to state that long-term health risks of egg harvesting procedures are unknown.

Institutional support for this petition includes;

Alliance for Humane Biotechnology

California Nurses Association,

Center for Genetics and Society,

Council for Responsible Genetics

National Women's Health Network

National Organization for Women (NOW) 

Our Bodies, Ourselves 

ProChoice Alliance for Responsible Research 

*Privacy Notice:  Information you provide will not be shared with any commercial entity;  It will be used only to document with appropriate policy makers the extent of interest in a registry and egg donor ad health advisories.